Families + Kids

In-Home Newborn Photography | Prairie Village

I couldn’t wait to meet this little girl! This sweet and cozy little babe rocked her newborn session! She flashed a few quick smiles and I just barely managed to catch one. I could die over how sweet their dog is with baby girl. She has taken it upon herself to let mom and dad know when baby Evelyn is crying…just in case they miss it.

Extended Family Session Photographer | Anniversary Celebration | Shawnee Mission Park

I had a great time photographing this sweet family. It’s easy to see this family has a lot of fun together. The session was full of laughs, teasing, goofiness, and a grass hopper. Spending the hour with them for their session was almost like spending an hour with my own family.

I found out at the session that this was an anniversary celebration! Like most families, because of the pandemic they were unable to get together to celebrate. What a great way to celebrate after finally being able to get together!

Shawnee Mission Park Maternity Photo Session | Matt & Ashlyn

It was a beautiful evening for this couple’s maternity photos. The timing for their maternity session couldn’t have been better. We found a beautiful field of sweet flowers to document this exciting time in their lives. The months and weeks before becoming first time parents are full of a wide range of emotions. I loved getting to capture these two slowing down and enjoying the time together to take a few deep breaths and think about their sweet little girl they were about to meet.

Motherhood Mini Sessions

I’m really excited to do something new for my motherhood minis. This year the proceeds from each Motherhood Mini session booked will go towards Consider the Lily, Inc. Consider The Lily is a home created to rescue and redeem girls in Manila, Philippines from exploitation.

In addition to your session I am gifting each mom a pair of earrings from Alam Ko Jewlery. Alam Ko Jewelry is in partnership with Consider the Lilly and provides a livable wage for women in the Philippines, which means a safe home and education for themselves and their children.

So for this year’s Motherhood Minis I am opening four, 25 minute sessions for mommas and their kiddos on May 16.

The sessions available will be at 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00. Sign-up for a session spot here!

Having these sessions after Mother’s Day gives families the chance to surprise mom with a gift certificate on Mother’s Day. It gives her a chance to plan for the session and decide on outfits. When you book one of these limited Motherhood Minis I’ll provide an image certificate you can print off and give to her on Mother’s Day.

Moms are so often the ones taking all the family photos or photos of their kids that they are rarely in them. Motherhood Minis are a great way to give moms the gift of precious photos with her kids (no matter what age they are).

Motherhood Minis this year are only $175 and include:

-25 minute session

-10 edited images

-online gallery and printing rights

-a pair of earrings from Alam Ko Jewelry

-a gift receipt image to give on Mother’s Day

Mommy and Me Apple Orchard Session | Kansas City Family Photographer

The sweet momma and her darling little boy met me out at the apple orchards for a quick mini session. She helped me kick off my apple orchard sessions for the evening and it was so fun starting the evening off with a session for a friend. This little guy is such a dapper dan man with his suspenders and his little shoes! I couldn’t have asked for a better model for this little Mommy and Me session. He was so serious throughout our time together but we were able to sneak a few smiles and laughs out of him.