I have so much to say about this session I don’t know where to begin! This flower field was the perfect setting for their photos and it might be one of my new favorite locations. (Shout out to the hubs for helping me find it!) Once we arrived we discovered we had a good friend in common. Turns out this good friend is also son’s godmother! Small world! This family is sweet and snuggly with each other and they were all too adorable for words. Evening sessions can often be hard for younger children because it’s close to bedtime but they all did a great job helping to keep each other entertained and engaged. After our session Missy told me her oldest son told her he didn’t know family photos could be so fun. (Excuse me while I do a little happy dance!!) Mission. Accomplished.
And to think I was so worried I would have to reschedule this session. Thank you baby for holding off and not coming too early! I would have missed out on meeting this sweet family.